It was October 2001. Garrison Keillor had heart surgery over the summer. It was now just a month after 9/11. This was the first show of the season. I had submitted a sketch sort of referencing 9/11, a Guy's Shoes bit I wrote about here. They did use a version of it. But, I actually got a second piece on the show, the one and only time that happened for me. I combined GK's heart surgery with his running bit about duct tape and he opened the show with it.
This reminds me of the fact that GK never kept in touch with me. I spent the latter half of the summer checking the PHC website to find out when the show was back on the air. Especially this summer with his health and after 9/11. The show usually started in October and I don't remember if they pushed it back at all. But I know that no one had reached out to me to see if I was okay or to inform me if the show schedule would be changed. And I had to do that for the rest of each season, checking when it was on or where it was broadcasting from.
Anyway, here from Oct. 6, 2001, is Heart Surgery and duct tape.