Oh, right, I wrote that story ages ago. I called it “Lost Claus.” It was optioned by Warner Bros. I had to write a second draft for them. Eventually, the idea of making the movie faded away. I rewrote it as a novel. I rewrote it as a radio program. I wrote a couple of sequel novels and sequel radio programs.
I have a long chain of evidence that my version existed first. However, my script is now useless. There was recent interest, but it’ll all disappear now. The Fast & Furious team came in with their version, all juiced up on steroids (did you see the shirtless Claus in this version?) and turned into an action movie. My screenplay is dead (again).
I needed to see this like I needed a poke in the eye with a peppermint stick.
Well, maybe I can ride these red coat tails and sell some books. That would be nice.
Link below: