Wrestling Spin-offs
Pro Wrestlers Senior Tour - two words; aging demographics. Also, aging wrestlers. And with the success of “The Wrestler” why not start booking the old men of the WWE before they go running off inventing the next kitchen grill or run for governor somewhere?
NASCAR Raw – Hell on Wheels as burly race car drivers zip around the track. Only here, drivers are allowed to leap from moving cars onto other cars and try to pin them to the track.
WFHL – hey, burly men with sharp skates pounding each other in the middle of the rink with hockey sticks. It’s a natural.
Extreme New York Stock Exchange (XNYSE) – Face it, the economy is in the tank and it’s Wall Street’s fault. If they’re going to rip us all off, at least let’s make it entertaining. Can’t you just hear them yelling things like "can you smell what the Rock is trading" and "I got your margin call right here!" Man, will the ticker tape fly!
World Spelling Bee Federation - Burly kids spelling words like "Xtreme," “HHH” and "NXT." And the spelling bee places already have lots of folding chairs to use.
Wrestling With the Stars – WWE stars wrestle 3rd and 4th rate celebrities on TV. Who wouldn’t watch that?
Six Flags Over WWE - Theme park, where the rides include The Pile driver, The Folding Chair Whack-A-Mole and the Sleeper Hold. Also, the Wrestling mascots will pound you.
Westminster Dog Show Heat! - Burly dudes with burly Rottweilers. With rabies! And folding chairs.
WWF on Broadway – Hey, if Disney can do it, why not Vince? Who wouldn’t want to see Mickie James in "Annie?" Or find out if Triple H is a triple threat?