The idea just popped into my head. It all flowed. I was thrilled when each song parody practically presented themselves to me completely. And I got such a charge out of writing them, getting the right song to use, getting them to scan right.
Back in the day, the Enron scandal was huge news. These people who went around claiming to be the smartest ones in the room, only to have their whole scam fall apart so spectacularly. And to me, the whole affair reminded me of Mel Brook's movie, "The Producers," which had now been turned into a musical, so once I had a parody in my head, I let it go from there. I submitted it around. Too long for some. Too music-y for others. Too topical for the rest. And follows the flow of The Producers too closely. However, these I all see as its strengths.
But, as I said, if I had a slow creative week, I pulled stuff out of the files and I send this to PHC. It was really a Hail Mary, I had no expectation they would even consider it. It wasn't used and it was time to pack away this sketch, whose time and come and gone. Twenty years later, it's not less dated, either: