The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enacted a rule on June 1 making it easier for companies to use asbestos in products.
Has anybody been clamoring for the return of asbestos? I mean, seriously? This stuff has been proven dangerous. Men in HAZMAT suits show up when it’s present. My 80-year-old father had lung surgery to deal with a nodule doctors have been monitoring for most of his adult life because of exposure to asbestos in the Navy and on his job. There are lawyers on TV commercials every hour telling you to call them if you’ve been exposed to asbestos. Every person at Ground Zero after 9/11 is on constant surveillance after breathing in this crap.
Why this is happening? Were they looking for something we could all get that's compatible to coal miner’s black lung? Whatever made the EPA decide that we were over-reacting to the threat of asbestos? Was this some campaign promise I totally overlooked or something that was updated at the GOP Convention? I’m sure it’s not because the President says reports of asbestos’ danger was all the work of the mob. I’m sure it’s not because Russia is a major source of asbestos. No, it must be because it’s now just asbestos’ time again, like bell bottoms and vinyl records. What’s next? Cyclamates? Red dye #2? Leaded gasoline? Clackers?
Well, I guess the mesothelioma lawyers are happy about it.