George Xmas

GW: You betcha.
GK: Mr. President, what a surprise. I never expected to see you here.
GW: I just wanted to come by and inform America about one of our new plans to get this economy going.
GK: I'm sure a lot of people will be delighted to hear that.
And I'm flattered you choose our program to do this. But why not just hold a press conference?
GW: A what?
GK: A press conference. You appear before an audience made up of journalists.
GW: Oh, yeah, I remember them.
GK: I knew you would.
GW: Don't like 'em. They're always asking too many questions.
GK: That is their job.
GW: Well, curiosity killed the cat, you know.
GK: Your major announcement?
GW: Well, as American's we are no longer an agricultural economy or a manufacturing economy. And face it, most of our service economy is overseas. We're a consumer economy.
GK: All right.
GW: So, consuming is what we do best. And if we don't consume, the economy falters.
GK: I'm with you so far.
GW: Now, what's the biggest consuming time of the year?
GK: Christmas.
GW: Exactly. So, I'm sending a bill to Congress to establish another Christmas.
GK: Very bold.
GW: It's every thing we do best. Plus it's a sop to my evangelistic base. And it's all covered by my faith-initiative policy. What could be better than spending more money to honor our Savior.
GK: You're killing multiple birds with one stone.
GW: And if that's succesable, we can add on a 3rd Christmas. Those department stores won't know what happened to their bottom line. And just think, all that seasonal help becomes permanent staff. so I got the job creation situation handled to boot.
GK: I can tell you put a lot of thought into this.
GW: Well, I have to keep on my toes. I don't want to become one of those lame duck fellows.
GK: Not a pleasant fate.
GW: Yeah, 'cause I'll have some real issues to run on next time.
GK: Excuse me, sir, you can't run again. There are term limits.
GW: Oh. Well, just as well. It'll be hard to top this second Christmas deal.
GK: Indeed it will.
GW: So, remember my fellow Americansters, let's get out there and consumerate all you can so we can get this great nation economating again. Good-bye and Merry Christmas.