The Mitch McConnell got a 180 on my punchline. I said "And worse, Biden wouldn’t even pick Mitch's wife for a cabinet position!" and it got flipped to how mad he'll be IF Biden picks her, which I'm starting to wonder was simply Tonya misreading the line. And the insurrection joke was just a much wordier take on my original "Well, Sure, undocumented immigrants haven’t tried to overthrow the elected government."
I put in the NY Theater joke because the set up was mine, verbatim but the punchline was rejiggered for another version using "shot." Now, while I submitted "but instead of getting two shots, you'll get one shot and an encore," "It'll be the same shot everyone else gets, but with jazz hands," and "Actors are requesting the Moderna vaccine, because they get a shot and a call-back" we both missed the obvious "And these actors aren't throwing away their shot." Silly, right?
The show of the 25th was the first anniversary show and the troupe took a well-deserved victory lap for their efforts. It was a fun show, I got a shout-out and they talked a lot about how they put the show together, which is something I've been remarkably lax about learning. I send the jokes and that's it. You can check out that episode here.