But, more importantly, I remind my readers that my Halloween tale, Halloweenies, is available now at Amazon.com. It's a funny tale of a boy and his quest for the perfect Halloween costume and all the trouble it causes. It's all treat and no trick! Get your copy today!
Now, back to the blog...
The Walken Dead

ANNOUNCER: From the producers of “The Walking Dead” and “Zombieland” comes the latest must see program on AMC---
MAN: What happened to everyone?
WOMAN: It’s some fever, it kills everyone and they turn into that!
(WALKEN zombie walks out.)
WALKEN: (Christopher) I want…to eat your…brains.
ANNOUNCER: It’s “The Walken Dead.”
WALKEN: I…can’t help but notice…your head seems…quite…large. I’m…guessing your brain must be pretty big.
MAN: Get in the car! Get in the car!
WOMAN: Go! Go!
(They run off.)
WALKEN: I bet…those brains…would have been…tasty. Drat my…lumbering gait.
ANNOUNCER: “The Walken Dead” premiers tonight on AMC, right after “Vampire Frat House.”