Ketchup Advisory Board - Halloween
MM: I know dear. You've got you adorable rubber axe and that darling fake chopped arm and you look so handsome in your hockey mask and jumpsuit.
BY: How can I be an axe murderer, mom? My axe is too clean! This severed arm is too clean. My jumpsuit should be covered with the blood of my victims, mom! I need blood, mom! Blood!
MM: Now, honey, where am I supposed to get blood?
RD: (singing) Like arteries a-gushing from gaping chainsaw wounds,
Severed limbs, the work of psycho loons
Life is oozing like ketchup all unbound.
GK: Yes, ketchup, more than just a condiment. Ketchup makes excellent fake blood, perfect for oozing neck bites and nasty crazed-killer stab wounds. It's the fake blood recommended by nine out of ten fake vampires. Ketchup, for the good times, like ritualistic pagan festivals.
RD: (singing) Ketchup....ketchup....ketchup.