Initially, I got his voice mail. I explained what I was asking for. He did call me back. The conversation began typically enough. No, they couldn't afford to give me a raise. Then he flat-out asks me "You're not a conservative, are you?" I replied that I wasn't really a political creature and I basically went looking for the funny. The conversation got a little stilted after that, what with his disappointment with me not being a conservative, and soon the call ended. I continued submitting into 2013, but the die was cast. They were using fewer of my jokes. Then, finally, I got an email. They were cutting back from two videos a week (Wednesday & Friday) to one and that my services were no longer required.
I was really ticked off, but I didn't want to play that game. I simply responded to the email with the phrase "That's show business!" To me, it was the snarkiest put-down I could hit them with. Did they think they were the forefront of some amazing revolution? That they were carrying the torch of liberty and enlightenment? No, they were an internet comedy show. They mocked show business constantly but they were show business.
Don't feel sorry for Eric Peterkofsky or Jodi. Eric started working for Bryon Allen, the richest comedian in show business. So Eric works at the hub of a vast show business empire and has happily brought Jodi along, appearing on or hosting any number of Allen's 137 shows.
And me? I'm blogging!
It's been quite the ride.