It Doesn’t Take a Village to Raise a Pet
I don’t know why people out there keep trying to equate my kids with their dog or cat. First, no one told me when I had my kids that I had to go and get them neutered or spayed. Didn’t come up at all. But go and adopt a dog and that’s all they throw at you.
My kids don’t eat out of the garbage or drink out of the toilet.
My kids never humped strangers’ legs.
I don’t expect my kids to defend the house against strangers or sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed.
If I posted videos of what my 3-year old does when I leave her alone all day in the house, I won’t get a bunch of likes on Facebook, I’ll get a call from Children’s Services. Ditto if I dragged my kid down to the park to take a dump.
I don’t need 52 different dog foods with organic ingredients in a variety of gourmet flavors. We mentioned the toilet drinking and garbage eating, right?
I’ve had pets most of my life, and I’ve enjoyed and loved them. But that was it. They were pets.
So back off Pet Depot.