Yeah, not so much. Granted, my contributions to the site started to wane as the year progressed but I was very much surprised to find out the site no longer exists. It's just a Go Daddy placeholder denoting the domain name is available. Gone, all gone. So, I'm going to drag them out and post them here from time to time. So, let us present:
Voting, right?

For more than a century, we’ve fought to protect the right to vote, when thousands of disenfranchised people were denied the right with poll taxes, literacy tests and through intimidation. Woman fought long and hard to get the vote. However, there had never been an drive to protect the right to vote of the apathetic. Until now. Seriously, we are now allowing the election to turn on the people who hadn’t bothered registering to vote because they were trying to get out of jury duty.
People complain about low-information voters yet now want to make it easier for them to participate in democracy. Why? Because, in an effort to validate our electoral choices, we need to suck in as many other people into our column as possible, that’s why. Sure, you could hold debates, have involved conversations with other voters, making your case and presenting your candidate. But that takes so long and involves so much effort! Instead, let’s go after these LIVs and make them a desired demographic. Sure, they’re wonderful individuals, unless they move in next door or want to date your sister.

That’s not all, you say. We need to make Election Day a national holiday, so people don’t have to miss work or get up too early to vote. Plus, it’ll have the added bonus of Election Day Sales that Sears and Honda will be having (and that’s good for the economy, right? Better than the candidates, anyway). I know, let’s move the polling places to the mall while we’re at it so we can shop and vote at the same time. That’ll fix everything! Except for the mall employees, who will have to vote on their lunch hours.
I can’t wait until November, when we will both be enforcing and lamenting every American’s right to vote.