Yeah, not so much. Granted, my contributions to the site started to wane as the year progressed but I was very much surprised to find out the site no longer exists. It's just a Go Daddy placeholder denoting the domain name is available. Gone, all gone. So, I'm going to drag them out and post them here from time to time. So, let us present:
Lo-Flo Rider

I cannot believe how complicated they made a simple thing like washing clothes. How many buttons to I need? How many speeds, cycles and temperatures do we need? And the lid locks now? What are we, the space shuttle? Are we afraid my clothes are going to be robbed?
And the machine is programed that it won’t trust me enough to pick how I want to wash the clothes; no, it’ll tell me with its fancy array of sensors. Unless if I put in too many towels, to too few, then it can’t tell what’s going on and just puts itself in an infinite loop of rinse and repeat. Not even wash, rinse repeat. And think of all the water I’m saving by having the machine repeated fill up and empty! So, thanks for the manual override button, Kenmore, so I can stop it.

The only thing worse is my new Eaz-E-Dry dryer that works using the heat of a florescent light bulb.