Ted & Bill’s Excellent Advent: Two dudes, trying to find the perfect Christmas presents for their girlfriends, travel through time disrupting events at Bethlehem, Charles Dickens’ house and the North Pole...
Santa Claus is Coming: A Christmas porn film.
It’s a Wunderful, Wunderful Life: Lawrence Welk learns what Christmas would be like if he had never been born.
Dude, Where’s My Sleigh? An animated special in which a couple of elves have too much eggnog one night and lose Santa’s sleigh.
Santa Claus Conquers the Jews: St. Nick finally gets the Hebrews to see the light, so to speak.
‘Twas: Frank McCourt’s Christmas memoir.
How the Grinch Embezzled Christmas: Ebenezer J. Grinch, the CEO of Christmas Inc., swindles the company out of millions, lays off the workers, and dupes the shareholders while his wallet grows three sizes. In the end, he gets appointed to a cabinet post.
Men are from the North Pole, Women are from the South Pole: John Gray and Dr. Phil team up to settle some holiday relationship problems.