“The Power-Walking Dead”
The country becomes overrun by zombies that walk really fast.
"Frankenstein Meets the Press”
We get the monster’s views on bread and fire...
The gruesome tale of a young girl who hits puberty.
"Godzilla v. Mothra"
The tale of the lawsuit that shook Japan!
"Hiding Dragon, Crouching Pumpkin”
The stunt-wire remake of “The Legend of Sleepy Hallow.”
“T.G.I.Friday the 13th”
Where terror is on the menu. And sliders.
“Aberzombie & Finch”
Zombies overrun a mall and be stylin’!
“CSI: Transylvania”
It’s the specialists the police call when villagers with torches and pitchforks aren’t enough.
“When Harry Met Frankenstein”
What happens when best friends become lovers and then become victims?
Horrible things happen down at the playground.
“It Came From Outer Mongolia”
A yeti makes its way to New York and soon the ASPCA is after him.
“Queen Kong”
Giant ape escapes and destroys San Francisco.
“The Cabinet in the Woods”
A cupboard is a portal to hell and ugly china.