"Doctor Who" is essentially “Star Trek” if it was written by Monty
The Doctor has a lot of trouble driving the time machine called the TARDIS. Many episodes are like the Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck cartoons where they pop out of the ground looking at a map and saying, “I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.”
Apparently, the show is not a spin-off of “Horton Hears a Who.”
It’s always aliens. No matter what genre the story is, Westerns, ghosts, mysteries, vampires, it the end, the reason for the problem is aliens.
Based on the sounds it makes, the TARDIS has asthma.
Abbott & Costello never met Doctor Who, but should have.
Paul McGann (8th Doctor) is like the George Lazenby of Doctor Whos.
Everyone in the universe speaks with a British accent.
The villians, the mechanical Daleks are like snotty R2D2s.
There are a lot of rules about time travel. And they always have to be broken to make the plots work or come up with new stories.
Because of events in the 50th anniversary movie "Day of the Doctor," the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors will all be listed with an asterisk next to their number from now on.
If I were the evil cyborgs, the Cybermen, I’d totally being suing The Borg.
If something bad happens to the Doctor, he will regenerate into another British guy.