I'll be honest, I almost didn't participate this week. the subject was Fall a Football Team. I am not a sports guy, don't follow the league, nothing. Plus I was dealing with a household issue, so I was not engaged. Then I figured, "I have to," which doesn't make sense, because I don't. So I called up a list of all the pro football teams to see what I could do with them. The conclusion was "not much." The editors had carved out the most logical ones (and since I neglected to check first, I duped a couple of them). When you have only so many football teams and only so many synonyms for "fall," it makes for a limited pallet. I got a couple of off-beat ones in. Some clever folks did soceer and college teams. Then come the afterthoughts; as I write this, I'm still submitting, long after the game has ended. Anyway, let's see which entries make the cut (and sorry it's such a pop-up ad heavy webpage):