Yes, another piece, formerly posted on Associated Content. Like other Slush Pile items, I'm updating it for posting here.

It’s just too darn bad that the former Vice President of the United States was powerless to stop this Obama guy from becoming president and changing stuff. There was no way for him to somehow continue his administration’s policies he helped put into effect. There’s absolutely nothing he could have done except maybe, you know, run for the office of president as the incumbent vice-president. Yeah, like, when has that ever worked?
Seriously, Dick Cheney sabotaged his own party from day one of the Bush administration. Actually, from before day one. He was placed in charge of George W. Bush’s search team to find a vice presidential candidate. And after looking high and low, Dick Cheney found the perfect man looking out from his mirror. He inserted himself into the V.P. slot and the GOP cheered because he brought “gravitas” and “maturity” to the Republican ticket. And it seemed to work, depending on which chads you counted. But then, during Bush’s first term, Dick Cheney announced that he would not consider running for president in 2008. He took a pledge not to run, so he could fully concentrate on serving President Bush and not have Bush worry that Cheney had his own agenda. Right, because backstabbing your boss is the surest way of advancing to the big desk (well, maybe at Halliburton) or having a president be successful could really screw up your plans as V.P., should you decide to run for the highest office yourself (and really, you pick yourself as vice president and then have to prove you don’t have your own agenda?).
With that pledge, Cheney turned his President into the lamest of ducks. He could have picked up the baton and continued the race. Instead, Cheney stepped aside, let his party flounder and lose. Which then guaranteed him a job sitting around and complaining about the Democrats doing things differently than he did (which is pretty much what the Democrats had vowed to do). As the Bush term wound down, Cheney told the press he wasn’t running because he planned to spend his time fishing and being with his grandkids. He never mentioned anything about appearing on news cycles and lambasting current policies. The cynic in me thinks that maybe he knew there was an expiration date on his concept of governing and figured he’d do eight and out. It’s easier to make plans when you have an exit strategy, I mean, deadline. Like the producers of “Breaking Bad” or “American Horror Story” can tell you.
Sure, people like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly or Jon Steward can rail against the powers-that-be but we know they are only entertainers with nothing on the line or have no more control over the situation than we do. That is their entire job description, after all. But to see Dick Cheney bellyache about the way things are when he actually had a chance to do something about it, well, that’s just whining for whining’s sake. Maybe next time, Dick.