But, again, these are all assumptions on my part. It's not like I ever got to meet the guy. It was Christmas 1999 when some of these realizations started to sink in. PHC made it a point to come to New York City for a series of shows at Christmas time. Now, here's the thing...I LIVE in New York City. So one would think I'd get invited to attend, right? Afraid not. I started dropping hints around Thanksgiving about "maybe coming by to see if any of my skits were used." No response. Nothing. As it turned out, I was on a bit of a streak that December, getting two skits on that month. As I have mentioned elsewhere, Christmas is kind of my thing, so I had a TON of material to draw upon.
This skit I called "Yikes, Virginia." It's a riff off the "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" editorial that resulted from the correspondence between a young Virginia O'Hanlon and the editor of the NY Sun asking about Santa's existence.
This skit actually started as a prose piece, which was published by the Staten Island Advance and posted at TheBigJewel.com. I though it would work as a radio bit, especially on PHC; two people reading their letters and answers with GK, as narrator, bridging the divide. And it did work. However, once in GK's hands, it kinda went off into a mockery of GOP policies, so I'm certainly glad my original version is out there.
I'm guessing it's due to all that re-writing that my name doesn't appear on the credits of the sketch performed in my home town on Dec. 11, 1999...
On-air credits were his 10 usual fake names. Online credit reads:
(c) 1999 by Garrison Keillor