Text Message for the Blind

GK: Tonight's program is brought to you by Total Cellular Phone Service.
SM: Yes, with our latest cellular feature, text messaging for the blind.
GK: And how does that work?
SM: You just type in your text message to your visually impaired friends, and they press this button and:
MV: Hello. How are you? I am swell. Pizza after class?
SM: Now your visually impaired friends can enjoy the fun and cease of text messaging.
GK: It's a phone, right?
SM: Yes.
GK: So, why don't you just call your blind friend and ask them to meet for pizza?
SM: Where's the fun in that?
GK: I mean, Alexander Grahman Bell put a lot of time and effort in inventing a machine that could carry the human voice. What are we doing sending telegrams to each other?
SM: But they're instant! And you get to misspell words on purpose. It's cool.
GK: You know what, I think we'll stick with our regular sponsors tonight. But thanks for stopping by.