St. Paul Weight Loss Program

(GK, SS, TK)
GK: ...now a word from the St. Paul Weight Program.
SS: Hey, Bob, you look great.
TK: Thanks. I feel great. I lost over 40 pounds!
SS: Thanks amazing! How'd you do it?
TK: It's the amazing St. Paul Weight Loss Program.
SS: How's it work?
TK: I stop eating like a pig, haul my lard-ridden carcass off my couch and exercise!
SS: Really, just that?
TK: That's right. The St. Paul Program showed me how to stop cramming food into my pie hole.
SS: Amazing!
TK: And that's not all! They get me off my fat can once in a while. And for just pennies a day!
SS: That's some plan! Maybe I should sign up!
TK: Maybe you should!
GK: The St. Paul Weight Loss Program. Give them a call today if you can put that drumstick down long enough.