
(Star Trek theme, rocket ship noises)
AD: Space, the final marketplace. It's very exciting knowing that corporate America now has jammed a toe-hold in outer space. And we're proud to be that toe-jam.
We at SpaceShip Incorporated will soon being offering rides into space for only $40,000 dollars. So when your friends begin bragging about wintering in Monte Carlo, or taking that cruise to Tahiti, you'll be able to tell them you went into space. That'll shut them up. And isn't that what the vast cosmos is all about?
Want something to spice up your love life? Try a trip around the world. Tired of dieting? In space, you're weightless! Need a place to ditch your industrial waste? Give us a call!
We'll be working with sponsors to make the price affordable for anyone. I figure we can cover the spaceship with logos, like they do in NASCAR, or tow big signs behind it like down at the shore. Lots of options here.
And beyond that...We'll launch some timeshares in space, give the people a place to stay once they get there. And you don't have to worry about space getting too crowded, or running out of room, because space is endless!
Space, it's not just for government employees anymore.
You know exciting things happen when private industry gets involved. And space is no exception. And with all the pollution and global warming, who wants to stay on earth, anyway?
GK: SpaceShipOne Inc., Making space travel as common as cell phones or telemarketers.