Political Diet

GK: Now a word from our sponsor.
SS: Bob, you look great! Did you lose weight?
TK: A ton. And I'm keeping it off, too!
SS: Really? How!
TK: I'm on the new Political Diet.
SS: What's that?
TK: It's a whole new way to control your appetite.
SS: How's it work?
TK: You just read all you can about the political campaign. And you get so depressed you can hardly raise a fork to your mouth!
SS: Sounds effective.
TK: You bet it is. In fact, my depression over the whole political process has me so upset, I can barely keep food down.
SS: It looks good on you. But is it safe?
TK: Sure is. They've had the top professors at the Electoral College do studies on it. And they say the Political Diet wins by a landslide.
SS: I'm going to try the Political Diet.
TK: Better hurry, it's a limited time offer!
GK: The 2004 Political Diet, it's the people's choice.