And this was after the show was off the air for a month. My last sketch was submitted the end of February and here it was the end of March. You'd think I would have been chumping at the reins to get new material to them.
Mock Barriers

MAN: Hey, my company isn't on any terrorist threat radar. But I want people to think my company is big and important, too!
ANNOUNCER: Then have we got a product for you! It's the Mock Barrier. It's a block of styrofoam that is shaped and painted to resemble a real sidewalk barrier.
MAN: Wow, it looks so realistic! But it's useless?
ANNOUNCER: Completely. A 5 year old hopped up on sugar with a tricycle could bust right through it. But your competitors won't know that. Mock Barriers help your office building say to the world "Bring it on!"
WOMAN: My family and friends thought I worked in a pointless and none essential job, but now they see I'm on the frontlines of our nation's safety and security, even though I'm a foreman at a pencil factory. Thanks, Mock Barriers!
GK: Mock Barriers are available at better barrier shops everywhere. Mock Barriers, when you really want the best mock barriers.