Mike's Auto Mic
GK: And now a word from Mike's Auto Mics.
TR: Tired of dealing with every hassle of driving the same old way?
(car horn)
AN: With the same generic, ineffective car horn? Honestly, when you beep your horn, does any one care? A car horn can mean anything from "get out of my way" to "I've fainted and my head has hit the steering column." Well, be ineffectual no more with Mike's Auto Mic, the complete Automobile Auditory Reaction System. Just think, the next time you're behind a car at a traffic light and the light changes to green and the car ahead of you won't move, you don't have to just beep...
(car horn)
...You can say:
M1: (on speaker) Get off the cell phone and start driving, moron.
AN: That's right. With Mike's Auto Mic you can quickly and efficiently deal with lane cutters:
M1: (on speaker) Slow down, cowboy. What's the matter, you have to go to the bathroom?
AN: Tailgaters:
M1: (on speaker) Kiss my tail pipe, weasel.
AN: And obstacles ahead of you.
M1: (on speaker) Hey, you stupid kids, get out of the way!
AN: With Mike's Auto Mic, you can deal with any driving situation.
M1: (on speaker) Come on people, let's move the accident off the road. Some of us have to get home.
SS: (on speaker) Hey, hitch hiker, you expect me to pick you up dressed like that?
M1: (on speaker) I see you picking your nose up there.
AN: Mike's Auto Mic, let people know that your have places to go and people to see.
M1: (on speaker) Let's move it people, move it!
M2: (on speaker) Shut up back there!
M1: (on speaker) No, you shut up!
(car horns start beeping)
GK: Mike's Auto Mic available at better auto part stores everywhere.