Fox Sweeps
ANNOUCER: They are terrible things, horrible to look at, yet you can't turn away. And now they're on FOX! This sweeps period the Fox Television network presents "Car Accidents, Train Wrecks and Plane Crashes," from the producers of "When Celebrities Attack" and "Who Wants to Marry My Ho?" watch the most amazing accidents...
(car horns, Tires squeal, crash)
ANNOUCNER: The biggest wrecks...
(train whistle, crash)
ANNOUCER: The most spectacular crashes...
(jet noises, crash)
ANNOUNCER: All together on one FOX program. Here's what TV critics are saying about "Car Accidents, Train Wrecks and Plane Crashes."
(Crash noises)
CRITIC 1: It was horrible, but I couldn't look away.
(crash noises)
CRITIC 2: I didn't want to watch, but I just keep watching.
ANNOUNCER: If it's sweeps period then it's positively FOX. "Car Accidents, Train Wrecks and Plane Crashes" coming soon on FOX. It's like rubber necking in your living room.