Dream marker 3000
SS: Hey there, hot stuff. I'm so glad you decided to come. I couldn't get you out of my mind.
MN: I couldn't get you out of my mind.
SS: Now come over here an give me some of your hunka-hunka burning love.
(alarm clock)
MN: What? Huh?
WF: Good morning, honey! Time to go to work!
AN: How many times has that happened to you. You find yourself in a really great dream and, wham, the alarm buzzes and you have to get up, losing that dream forever. Well, not anymore thanks to Techco's Dream Marker 3000.
MN: The Dream Marker 3000? How does it work?
AN: Thanks to silicon chips and new memory sensors and diodes, the Dream Marker can remember your dream and then re-start it for you the next time you go to sleep. No more interrupted dreams, no more dim recollections of a pleasant sleep that evaporate in the bright light of dawn.
WF: Honey, where are you going with that thing on your head?
MN: I'm going to sleep.
WF: It's only 7:30.
MN: Don't worry, I took lots of over-the-counter sleeping aids.
WF: I've never seen you so anxious to go to bed.
MN: Thanks to the Dream Marker 3000!
GK: The Dream Marker 3000, available at better variety stores and electronic boutiques everywhere.