Copyright Pirates

(seagulls, buoy clang, wind blows)
JOHN: Avast, ye hardies! Land ho!
PIRATE: Aye, Long John, what sees ye?
JOHN: 'Tis a multiplex and aye, she's an invitin' target. All hands on deck and prepare to board.
PIRATE: What's playing?
JOHN: The latest Spielberg...and that new Adam Sandler comedy. Everyone got their palm-corders?
CREW: Aye!
JOHN: We'll all be up to our mizzenmast with bootleg booty tonight. Now, remember, hold you cameras steady. I'll keelhaul the next blagart who ruins a tape with shaky camera work. And no sittin' too close to the screen. And for the love of Davy Jones' Locker, no unwrapping candy while you're tapin'
CREW: Aye!
JOHN: Everyone got their student discount cards?
CREW: Aye!
JOHN: Then be off with you, lads. Over the sides you go! 'Tis a good crew, eh, Polly?
PARROT: Pieces of popcorn, pieces of popcorn.
GK: Tune in next time for "the Copyright Pirates" as we hear Long John say:
JOHN: You left the lens cap on! You'll walk the plank for that!
GK: That's next time on "the Copyright Pirates."