Caller ID Plus

GK: And now a word from our sponsor.
AN: You love you phone.
(phone ring)
AN: You love caller ID.
WN: It's Dave, calling from work.
AN: Now comes the latest break through in technology, Caller ID Plus. With caller ID Plus, not only do you know who's calling..
(ring, ring)
WN: Who's calling?
PV: (mechanical voice) Aunt Gladys
AN: You'll know who's calling and what they are calling about.
PV: She's looking for Uncle Benny again.
AN: Caller ID Plus. You'll wonder how you've ever done without.
PV: Joe Bennett about the fifty dollars you owe him.
AN: Yes, with Caller ID plus, you can take the calls you want...
PV: Mary Jones with some hot gossip about the Renaulte family.
AN: And skip the calls you don't.
PV: Your mother wanting to know why you don't call or take her calls.
AN: Caller ID plus, a great way to screen your calls just got better.
PV: It's your husband calling from his girlfriend's apartment with an excuse why he's late.
WM: What?
AN: Available now at better technology stores everywhere.
PV: It's the technology store calling about the past due bills.
AN: Caller ID Plus.