A week later, I spoke to Kevin. I called him after reading how the planned “Beverly Hills Cop 3” with Eddie Murphy had been cancelled. And the plot sounded like a “Die Hard” in an amusement park.” That amused Kevin, who then realized he never gave me feedback on my “Closed Set” treatment. He didn’t like it. He could not reconcile the violence of the genre with comedy. Sigh.

And, although I didn’t note it in the journal, the New Year marked the end of “Style Without Substance.” They had been booked to perform during a town-wide New Year’s Eve festival, with different acts in different local venues. It seems they performed a couple of new bits (NOT MINE!) that were NOT well-received. At all. They went a bit blue that night. They got complaints about it afterward, in light of the fact that the event was attempted to be “family-friendly.” And, to the best of my recollection, that was the final appearance of “Style” anywhere. Which was a shame. They were an amazingly talented bunch of actors and it was a joy writing for them. I really felt good writing for them, through all their alterations and as they attempted to expand beyond their NJ base. And it was another door closing in my face.