| Elsewhere, my Style Without Substance CTV show got nominated to the local cable award for the second year in a row! The previous year we won! Alas, my little home-made, low-budget, in-house TV sketch comedy show lost to a church that had submitted a taping of their big Christmas pageant. |

The next entry isn’t until March 24th! And it’s a bit off topic. My wife is pregnant!!! And weirdly, that’s all that’s noted. Again, not that kind of diary. But Kevin called about the script. He “loved the story.” He “thinks this could be a movie right now”…BUT…then follow the notes. I actually listed all the notes in the journal, gags, character traits, relationships. Then Kevin brings up “Little Devil.” There was a new rash of Omen/Evil/Nanny stories kicking around, maybe pull that script out for a redo. Some ideas were kicked around, ways to bring down the budget (no “Jaws” parody scene). I don’t note it here, and I don’t know if it comes up down the line, but Kevin was thinking writing it up as a David Spader-Chris Farley vehicle. This was back when “Black Sheep” and “Tommy Boy” were kicking around. Sure, why not?

The weeks turned into months and it was pretty apparent I was throwing anything in the journal to keep it viable. Meetings with wanna-be publishers, touching base with comrades I hadn’t spoken to in a while, and my new agent quest (sending out dozens of cover letters to stir up some interest) were all written about. Comments about the business, comedy theory, my lack of motivation were all mentioned. It seems by this time the only times I was calling Kevin was to see if he was all right after an earthquake or riot. I even noted an update on “GhostWriter” from agent/teacher/producer Mr. Robbins; it was still trudging along, although now as a direct-to-video school project, a year after the fact.

Before long, it was the end of June. “The lull continues,” I wrote. My novel proposal was passed on (for now, maybe after I finish it the agent would look at it). New stuff was copyrighted and guild registered. And, in passing, I note that “The WGAE has accepted my application to join the Activities Committee.” The first meeting would be Tuesday, July 1st 1992. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was going to be a big deal.