Oh, then he’s something I remember, but I had forgotten when it happened. I wrote, “Have to think about the elves’ personalities. May have to promote the second string gag elves (Thistle, Elfis, Yuppie) rather than resort to their suggestions.”
This actually turned into a big deal. My original elves were indeed, kinda cookie cutter, exposition devices. But at various points in the script I would introduce an elf just for some kind of gag, duty or name pun. I had a scientist elf, Thistle, a snippy elf, Yuppie, an elf that acted like Elvis, and an elf with a southern accent solely to allow me to make a South Pole joke. These were each a one-off, a black out joke and we move on. But each gag gave me a seed to grow a personality from. These guys would replace my bland, straight-man elves. That was a huge improvement.

Kevin reassured me a bit. “Just keep to the spirit of the original premise. Just add the junk they want.” Something sparked here, again, elf related. Came up with additional elf names, which I would need as red herrings to go with some of the plot changes the committee wanted. It was a start, or rather, a re-start.