“Just a further thought (God, how this haunts me), I think why I am so anxious about this [rewrite] is that my reasons for this draft is based on outside voices. Up to now it’s always been the voices inside that propelled me. I get a sense of writing in the dark now. I remember what Kimberly said and it suddenly makes sense; Pin the tail on the donkey. They’ve given me the tail, the blindfold and spun me. But I still have to find the donkey. In the dark. Up to now, I’ve always been self-illuminated. My own rules, likes and dislikes. And I wonder if they get a sense of all the luggage that Pee-Wee’s character brings to this. I like working with it. They seem to be avoiding it.”

Days later, I guess I decided to get some work done, but the PC won’t access my file. My journal page is freaking out about it, but the following days’ entries make no note of how I solved this problem. During this time I spoke with Charles, my author friend about my book pages. Got some advice there. And work being done on my little public access TV show.

As the month of October wound down, I managed to send out the next 25 pages (sending it by snail mail because I couldn’t afford the Federal Express), prepping for the public access TV shot and a Halloween party. All in all, things seem to be OK…