Bush was a "regular" on the show, the show had an excellent performer who did a slick Bush, and I even managed to get s Bush sketch on air. I often wrote up one as my topical humor submission but there were no guarantees.
Now we can see how Trump saw this behavior and how it dovetailed so nicely into his branding and worldview (or lack thereof). Only he was bright enough to run things and everyone else was wrong. I mean, how much of a leap is it to go from calling "disloyal" to "enemies of the state." The rogues who now run the party aren't held back by traditions, rules or laws. So they just declare something and work from that premise.
See how I called it back in 2005:
Presidential Rename
GW: I've been working hard.
GK: Running the country.
GW: No, no, renaming things.
GK: What do you mean?
GW: Well, there are lots of things that the people aren't understanding the right way, so you have to call them something else that will help.
GK: I'm not sure I understand.
GW: For instance, you have that domestic spying that seems to be upsetting so many people. So I'm addressing the issue.
GK: So you're stopping it?
GW: Oh, no. I'm renaming it. I now called it "terrorist surveillance." What could be unconstitutional about surveillance? It's a good thing, like they have down at the 7-11. There was the war of Iraq, which is now the "war on terror."
GK: I see.
GW: And it comes in really handy, too. Like when we occupied Iraq, we renamed it "liberating Iraq" and the people ate it up.
GK: Did they?
GW: When we started the war, we called it "Mission Accomplished." When someone "disagrees" I call it "disloyalty." Like I said, it's hard work coming up with all these new names. These things don't just make themselves up you know. I have to really work on them.
GK: It sure is appreciated. What else should we look forward to?
GW: Well, I have an idea; I'd like to retroactivately rename Hurricane Katharine to "Hurricane Osama." I think it will help focus people. Redirect their attention from other things.
GK: What other things?
GW: Blaming me. It's mis-patriotic.
GK: But our nation was built on honest and open debate.
GW: Well, you best be careful what you say. There are people listening.
GK: Yes, I know. It's is a radio program.
GW: Maybe you need to call it something else. Think on it.
GK: Thank you Mr. President.