I Wanna Be a Hitler

GERMAN: So, why to you wish to be a Hitler?
GUY: Well, no one takes me seriously, you know?
GIRL: I think I was Hitler in a former life.
WOMAN: I just really want to get my way all the time.
MAN: I always wanted to go to Paris.
ANNOUNCER: Contestants have to complete tasks and manage projects to see if they have what it takes to be a Hitler.
GIRL: Mary said that we have to complete the task an hour earlier. And she thinks that makes her Hitler? Hardly. I'm the one who's going to get her Hitler on.
MAN: I can't believe Max. He started getting in everyone's face and demanding that we listen to him and do exactly as he says, so then Steve says, "What are you? Some kind of Hitler?"
and I knew Steve was getting voted out.
WOMAN: Sure, Todd could beat us and break into our rooms for no reason, but that only makes him a jack-boot thug. It's going to take more than that to out-Hitler me.
ANNOUNCER: Yes, whether it's rigging elections, committing genocide or debating a topic to death, Hitler is the yardstick by which we measure every slight. And you'll get to see
people compete to be that yardstick.
MAN 2: Yeah, I had to start firing people. They started to disagree with me! How am I supposed to cope with that? You can't get more Hitler than that!
GIRL: It's all such a metaphor, you know? I mean, it's not like I would really kill their families or perform medical experiments on them, but metaphorically, I might. I can be very Hitler-sque.
GUY: I'm the one who's going to get in touch with my inner-Hitler.
ANNOUCER: You may really disagree with someone or just be very strict with your soup policies but you're no Hitler until we say you are! "I Wanna Be a Hitler," tonight on Public Radio. Tomorrow the world!