Now the trick becomes, how does one make comedy of it? With a 1950's Doo-Wop song parody, of course. Slipped in another jab at GW Bush, just because he usually deserved one.
Deep Throat

Deep-a-Deep- Deep, Deep, Deep Deep do…
Deep Throat
I saw you standing alone
In the garage in the dark
You wouldn’t talk on the phone.
Deep Throat
You know just what I was there for
A confirmation to back ground
To follow the money where for…
BUSH: Now just a second…
GK: Mr. President? Welcome, Mr. President, once again. What brings you here?
BUSH: Air Force One…heh-heh-heh.
GK: Of course, sir. What is the reason you are here?
BUSH: All this talk about Mark Felt being Deep Throat. It just burns my biscuits!
GK: Why? The man help uncover major unlawfulness by the very people who were supposed to uphold the law.
BUSH: Yeah. We don’t go for that. Did you know that Mark Felt’s wife is a CIA agent?
GK: What? That can’t be true.
BUSH: And his kids, too. All secret agents.
GK: What are you saying?
BUSH: See, Mark, it’s not so fun when it’s your secrets that are exposed.
GK: I’m not sure what this is about.
BUSH: He’ll get fired or maybe demoted.
GK: He’s retired.
BUSH: Well, I hope he wasn’t counting on that social security check. And he’s named after a porno movie. Did you know that? Is that the kind of message we want to sent to our children? That porno can bring down a president? How can people make this man out to be a hero?
GK: What are you saying?
BUSH: There was a time when people had principles in this country. They stood for what was right and true. They followed their conscious and were even willing to break the law if they felt that law was unjust.
GK: That’s very true
BUSH: It’s part of our history. And we just can’t leave history in the past, we have to learn from it.
GK: Indeed. And what have you learned from the Deep Throat affair?
BUSH: How to keep people from snitching on you. Yes, sir, won’t see any Deep Throats while I’m office. People know better than to try and cross me.
Deep Throat
Now I no longer wait
Without a lead on my page
All about Watergate