Clyde Wilson: Christmas Daredevil

(Car driving)
MARY: Clyde, I thought we were going to drive around to look at the Christmas lights. Where are we going?
CLYDE: I still have to buy a gift for my mother.
MARY: What?? It's Christmas Eve!
CLYDE: Yeah, so?
MARY: Tomorrow is Christmas!
CLYDE: Well, duh, that's pretty much the meaning of "Christmas Eve."
MARY: You won't be able to get it now.
CLYDE: Plenty of time.
MARY: You can't go shopping on Christmas Eve.
CLYDE: Are you kidding? That's when it just starts to get interesting. Here we are. See, the store's still open for last minute gift shopping. I'm going to run pass all those smokers outside the door! Think of the second-hand smoke risk!
MARY: Why are all those people standing outside smoking in this weather? Aren't they afraid of catching a cold?
CLYDE: They're risking lung cancer, Mary, I doubt a cold is going to frighten them. I'm going in!
(Whistles, shouting, bells, crowd noises, cars screeching)
MARY: Clyde!
CLYDE: Look at this, Mary...half off! It's a steal!
MARY: Watch out, there's a bargain hunter right behind you!
(Running, cash register)
CLYDE: I'm back!
MARY: I can't believe you do this every year!
CLYDE: I live for this! Besides, I still have to get some cards.
MARY: What? Christmas Cards? Aren't you afraid of offending people by sending them out this late?
CLYDE: I laugh at fear! Now hold still, I want to take a picture for the card.
MARY: You're going to get a photo card made up now?
CLYDE: I know a guy that knows a guy with a machine.
MARY: You know a guy?
CLYDE: He works out of the tree lot, which works out because I still have to pick up the tree. Look there's a very nice spruce there. I'm on it.
(Yelling, screaming, chaos)
MARY: Clyde, watch out! There's an orphan waiting to get a leftover tree for free!
CLYDE: Not tonight, Francie Nolan! Got it! I'm back, Mary.
MARY: Where's the tree?
CLYDE: I duct taped it to the roof of the car.
MARY: Clyde, this is crazy! Why do you take these chances every year?
CLYDE: I live for Christmas Eve, Mary. Anyone can go to the mall back in November or shop on the Internet. But only a man who likes to live on the edge will get out there and mix it up on Christmas Eve.
MARY: Oh, please, you're just a procrastinator.
CLYDE: Hey, look, inflatable snowmen for the front lawn! I'm going in!
MARY: No, wait, Clyde! Be careful of that snow blower!
CLYDE: What? Oh no!
MARY: Wait a second...did you tip the garbage men?
(Crash, bang, boom)
GK: Tune in next time for another thrilling episode of "Clyde Wilson: Christmas Daredevil" when we hear Clyde say:
CLYDE: I'm going to eat this piece of fruitcake.
MARY: Nooooo!
GK: That's next time on "Clyde Wilson: Christmas Daredevil."